2015-今 河北工业大学电气工程学院,教授,博士生导师
2012.10-2015.06,英国谢菲尔德大学,Research Associate
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.xxxxxx), 功能复用型可变磁通磁阻电机集成驱动-充电系统及控制方法研究, 58万,2021.1-2024.12
[2] 河北省高层次人才资助项目, 高性能定子混合励磁及定子永磁电机关键技术" 河北省高层次人才资助项目, 100万,2017.1-2021.12,
[3] 河北省自然科学基金"杰出青年”基金,新型定子混合励磁弱磁控制及高可靠性容错控制" 30万,2018.1-2020.12
[4] 天津市自然科学基金面上(绿色通道)项目, 新型多齿开关磁链永磁记忆电机性能分析与研究,10万,2016.10-2019.10
[5] 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 新型定子直流励磁及混合励磁双凸极电机工作机理及性能研究, 2016.1-2018.12, 24万,主持
[1] X. Liu*, Z. Q. Zhu, D. A. Stone, M. P. Forster, W. Q. Chu, I. Urquhart, J. Greenough, “Novel dual-phase-shift control with bidirectional inner phase shifts for a dual-active-bridge converter having low surge current and stable power control,” IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 4095-4106, May 2017.
[2] X. Liu*, D. Wu, Z. Q. Zhu, A. Pride, R. Deodhar, and T. Sasaki, “Efficiency improvement of switched flux PM memory machine over interior PM machine for EV/HEV applications,” IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, vol.50, no. 11, Article No: 8202104, Nov. 2014.
[3] X. Liu*, and Z. Q. Zhu, “Stator/rotor pole combinations and winding configurations of variable flux reluctance machines,” IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 3675-3685, Nov./Dec. 2014.
[4] X. Liu*, and Z. Q. Zhu, “Comparative study of novel variable flux reluctance with doubly fed doubly salient machines,” IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, vol.49, no.7, pp.3838-3841, Jul. 2013.
[5] X. Liu*, and Z. Q. Zhu, “Electromagnetic performance of novel variable flux reluctance machines with DC-field coil in stator,” IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 3020-3028, Jun. 2013.