2015~至今 河北工业大学 教授 国家人社部高层次留学人才 河北工业大学研究生“我心目中的十佳好导师” (2021)
2010~2015 荷兰飞利浦研究院 高级研究员/欧盟玛丽居里青年学者飞利浦公司年度优秀技术成果转移奖(2013)
2009~2010 法国图卢兹国立应用技术研究院 博士后
2005~2009 德国弗莱堡大学/英国东安格利亚大学 联合培养博士
1997~2004 南京大学化学系,配位化学国家重点实验室 本科/硕士
1. 中央引导地方科技发展资金项目:“LED 微显示用新型高效光转换材料及封装应用技术研究”,216Z0601G;主持
2. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目:“高稳定CdSe/ZnS量子点/高分子复合材料的自催化共聚合成和机理研究”,51672068;主持
3. 人社部高层次留学人才回国资助项目“光电材料反应机理研究和光电实时分析系统搭建”,CG2015030001;主持
4. 河北省自然科学基金面上项目:“高稳定量子点无机叠层组装材料的制备及其LED应用研究”,E2020202083;主持
5. 天津市自然科学基金面上项目:“InP_GaP_ZnS量子点自组装全无机晶体的合成与生长机理研究”,17JCYBJC41500;主持
6. 中国科学技术部重点研发计划专项“高品质、全光谱无机半导体照明材料、器件、灯具产业化制造技术”,2016YFB0400600;参与
1. Stable CsPbX3/ZnO Heterostructure Nanocrystals for Light-Emitting Application, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021, 12(45), 10953-10957.
2. Thermal Conductive Encapsulation Enables Stable High-Power Perovskite-Converted Light-Emitting Diodes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(25), 30076-30085.
3. Solvent- and Initiator-Free Fabrication of Efficient and Stable Perovskite-Polystyrene Surface-Patterned Thin Films for LED Backlights, Nanoscale, 2021, 14(3), 628-634.
4. Stability Enhancement of PbS Quantum Dots by Site-Selective Surface Passivation for Near-Infrared LED Application, Nano Research, 2021 (14), 3, 628-634.
5. Efficiency Enhancement of Quantum Dot-Converted-LEDs by 0D-2D Hybrid Scatterers, ACS Photonics, 2020, 7 (12), 5430-5439.
6. Amine- and Acid-Free Synthesis of Stable CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals, Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32, 1904-1913.
7. Highly Efficient and Thermally Stable QD-LEDs Based on Quantum Dots-SiO2-BN Nanoplate Assemblies, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 1539-1548.
8. Controlled Growth of CH3NH3PbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals via a Water–Oil Interfacial Synthesis Method, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 2019, 58,17631-17635.
9. Thermal Analysis and Performance Optimization of Quantum Dots in LEDs by Microsphere Model,IEEE Transactions on Electronic Devices 2019, 66, 3896-3902.
10. Aqueous Synthesis of Methylammonium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals,Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 2018 130 (31), 9798-9802.
1. LED arrangement and LED driving method,US10375782,授权时间:2019.08.06
2. Highly stable QDs-composites for solid state lighting and the method of making them through initiator-free polymerization,US9909738B2,授权时间:2018.03.31
3. Driver circuit with extended operation range,US10034334B2, 授权时间:2018.07.24
4. A color tunable lighting assembly, a light source and a luminaire,EP2800931,授权时间:2016.03.16
5. Light source with quantum dots,EP2768925B1,授权时间:2014.12.31
6. 一种具备多重发光的单一量子点材料及其制备方法,CN108395892B,授权时间2020.8.14
7. 光电转换层结构的制备方法及应用该结构的光电器件,CN105990534B,授权时间2018.2.6